Are Mushrooms Bad For Dogs?

Dog Mushrooms

If your yard is like mine, you find mushrooms growing wild in random areas. Even several parks we frequent have mushroom covered grass. Have you ever wondered if your dog is safe to eat these wild mushrooms?

Are mushrooms bad for dogs? The answer is not all mushrooms are bad for dogs, but the mushrooms that are toxic to dogs can be fatal. Therefore, it is best to assume all mushrooms are bad for your dog, unless you are an expert on what mushrooms are toxic to dogs.

What Do Poisonous Mushrooms look like?

Identifying a poisonous mushroom from a non-poisonous one can be quite complicated because there are many different kinds and species of Mushrooms. If you think of a mushroom that is displayed in your favorite children’s story or movie, you probably think mushrooms all look like a little umbrella. Believe it or not, mushrooms can come in different colors, shapes, and sizes.

What Types Of Mushrooms Are Toxic To Dogs?

Per Preventative Vet, “Some of the most common and dangerous types of mushrooms for dogs are in the Amanita family” These mushrooms are nicknamed “Death Cap” because they have a “fishy” odor and taste. If your dog is like mine, they always tend to find the things in the yard that smell the worst.  Eating just a small amount of some Amanita mushrooms can be fatal to your dog because of the effect the these mushrooms have on your dogs liver. 

Per the American Kennel Club (AKC), below are some wild mushrooms that seem to cause the most problems in Dogs.

Mushroom NicknameMushroom Name
death capAmanita phalloides
Funeral Bell or the deadly skullcapGalerina marginata
jeweled deathcapAmanita gemmata
false morelGyromitra spp.
ivory funnelInocybe spp. and Clitocybe dealbata mushrooms
death cap mushroom
“Death Cap”
Amanita phalloides
funeral bell mushroom
“Funeral Bell or the deadly skullcap”
Galerina marginata
jeweled deathcap mushroom
jeweled deathcap”
Amanita gemmata
false moral mushroom
“False Moral” Gyromitra spp.
ivory funnel mushroom
“Ivory Funnel”
Clitocybe dealbata

Can Dogs Eat Cooked Mushrooms From A Store?

Cooked, store bought mushrooms are usually safe for Dogs in small amounts. Most people like to add onion and garlic to mushrooms to aid the flavor. Keep in mind that both onion and garlic are very toxic to dogs. See our article on “What Table Foods Are Bad For Dogs?” to learn more.

What Are Symptoms Of Mushroom Poisoning?

Just like allergies, mushroom poisoning affects each dog differently depending on what type of mushroom they ate and how much they consumed.

Common Early Symptoms

  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal Pain
  • Increased thirst
  • Weakness

Common Severe Symptoms

  • Lack of coordination
  • Tremors
  • Seizures
  • Comma
  • Liver Failure (jaundice)
  • Kidney Failure
  • Death

What To Do If My Dog Eats Mushrooms?

If you witnessed your Dog eating a mushroom, get a sample and/or picture of the mushroom and take your Dog to your local Veterinarian immediately or contact the Pet Poison Hotline or the the Animal Poison Control Center (ASPCA) to get information on how to proceed.

How Do I Store My Mushroom Sample?

It is best to wrap a sample of the mushroom your dog ate into a damp paper towel, then put the wrapped paper towel into a paper bag, then store it in the fridge until you can show your sample (steps below).

  1. Get mushroom sample
  2. Wrap sample in a damp paper towel
  3. Put sample wrapped paper towel in a paper bag
  4. Store paper bag with the sample in the fridge

How Is Mushroom Poisoning Treated?

Just like with Symptoms of Mushroom Poisoning, treatment for mushroom poisoning can vary on the type and amount of the mushroom that was ingested, the symptoms your dog is experiencing, and how long since your dog ate the mushroom(s).

It is critical to minimize the absorption of the mushroom toxins, so the Veterinarian may ask you to help your dog throw up. See our article on, “What Table Foods Are Bad For Dogs” to see how to make your dog vomit using household items.

If you are able to get your dog to a Veterinarian, he/she will most likely treat your dog for the symptoms they are presenting first. To help prevent the absorption of toxins into your dogs bloodstream, the Veterinarian may induce vomiting to remove the mushrooms from their stomach. They will most likely use a GI medication, like activated charcoal that will bind to the toxin and prevent further absorption.

Your dog will be given an IV to help flush the toxins that have already been absorbed. Fluids will also aid in your dogs liver and kidney functions. Liver or Kidney failure is one of the major side effects of toxic mushrooms.

Dogs are curious, and lets face it, eat things other than the food and the treats we give them. If you see mushrooms growing in your yard, it is best to get rid of them ASAP, so you do not have to find out if it is toxic to your dog. This is especially true if you let your dog roam free in a fenced in yard, like mine do.

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*This article is for information purposes only and any health concerns should be discussed with your veterinarian.

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